Wayne Mallows on site with Paranormal Profilers 2017Wayne Books 2020Hello my friends and welcome to my little dark corner of the web.

If this is your first visit here, I encourage you to take a few minutes and have a look around. There are a number of interesting pages that may tickle your fancy, some of which contain photos while others hold the first chapters of books I, II, III & IV, “Whitechapel Road; A Vampyre Tale and Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, Unnatural Selection and Dark Origins, book four in the series.

Book IV, Dark Origins has only recently been completed and I am truly happy with the final outcome. Unlike the other three stories, all of which take place within what I would call, “recent memory” in a history way of thinking, Dark Origins will take you much further back and I'm certain it may well unnerve a few of you. You can read the first chapter of Dark Origins by clicking here: read chapter one Dark Origins has been printed in a short run and just as with Unnatural Selection the book will only available from me directly. You can order book four or any of the others in the series by messaging me through the email address found in the “contact me” section of the web page.

The last year and half has been nothing short of crazy. I had laid out the ground work for book five of the Vampyre Tales but had to postpone the work due to some significant issues with my house. What started out as a simple roof issue, (if there is such a thing) turned out being a huge undertaking. By the time it was all sorted out, the entire back section of the house had to be rebuilt. I'm almost finished with that now and I am hoping to get back to the writing over the course of the summer.

In the meantime, I had decided to rewrite book one, "Whitechapel Road". I was never happy with the editing or how the book ended up being formatted and it bothered me so much over the years that I simply had to rewrite it. The rewrite is now completed and printed. You can read the new version of Chapter 1 here.

I would like to point out that the story everyone knows and loves is still the same. I have only cleaned up the punctuation issues along with the numerous typos that all of the six previous editors missed. In addition to this, I have enriched the feeling within the pages so the reader will truly experience the feeling of being in Victorian London, right along with the characters.

I truly hope that those new to the story will enjoy the tale and those of you who have already walked the back streets of London's east end with Aremis will enjoy revisiting these well-known locations as well.

And in closing, I would like for you to ask yourself, what do we truly know of these mythical beings... do we really know anything about them at all? Is what we look upon as knowledge, merely a collection of disjointed stories based on little more than superstition and loose speculation? Do they live forever as the legends say? Do they love? Is the word vampire even correct? The Vampyre Tales are more than a mere story designed to fright and delight us, for once you embark on the journey, they will take you on a winding road back through time and as you turn the pages, you will begin to see that perhaps everything we have come to know is not quite as it would appear to be.

Thank you for stopping in, I wish you a peaceful night of slumber once you arrive there. Wayne ^v^

* If you have any questions regarding the books, simply email me and I will do my utmost to get back to you in a timely manner. 

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At a Glance

"An exceptionally original novel! Wonderfully set and well researched. I am privileged to have been introduced to one of the most diabolical and truly evil vampires ever created!" Michelle Lee

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Links to the websites of those that have helped me along the way or that I find interesting.
I hope you'll check them out! W

Canada's Most Haunted 

Alison Meeks - AM Graphix

Wendy Teal - Canon Studio

Jennifer McCready Photography

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